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PHP 5.5.6 正式版發(fā)布

來源: 時間:2013-12-16

PHP 5.5.6發(fā)布.2013-11-14.經(jīng)過1個RC.上個版本是2013-10-18的5.5.5。修正了10幾個Bug及安全漏洞。

Version 5.5.614-Nov-2013
  • Core:
    • Improved performance of array_merge() and func_get_args() by eliminating useless copying.
    • Fixed bug #65947 (basename is no more working after fgetcsv in certain situation).
    • Fixed bug #65939 (Space before ";" breaks php.ini parsing).
    • Fixed bug #65911 (scope resolution operator - strange behavior with $this).
    • Fixed bug #65936 (dangling context pointer causes crash).
  • FPM:
    • Changed default listen() backlog to 65535.
  • MySQLi:
    • Fixed bug #66043 (Segfault calling bind_param() on mysqli).
  • OPCache:
    • Increased limit for opcache.max_accelerated_files to 1,000,000.
    • Fixed issue #115 (path issue when using phar).
    • Fixed issue #149 (Phar mount points not working with OPcache enabled).
  • ODBC:
    • Fixed bug #65950 (Field name truncation if the field name is bigger than 32 characters).
  • PDO:
    • Fixed bug #66033 (Segmentation Fault when constructor of PDO statement throws an exception).
    • Fixed bug #65946 (sql_parser permanently converts values bound to strings).
  • Standard:
    • Fixed bug #64760 (var_export() does not use full precision for floating-point numbers).
下載地址: http://www.php.net


歡迎填寫表格或發(fā)送合作郵件至: qczsky@126.com


電話:13988578755 13988578755




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